Never Say Never

I had a breakthrough today during my 5.5 mile run – yes I said 5.5 mile run which is a pretty significant feat for me, because a year ago I would have told you that runners are crazy. What I realized, while my feet pounded against the ground and my breath came out in staggering grunts, is that I like to run.

I LIKE to run.

I. Like. To. Run.

By now, all my friends are probably picking themselves up off the floor because that is a pretty bold statement for me. It just goes to show that you can never say never.

I have been trying to “get into” running since I was 10 years old at my first track practice. Before this, the only time I had put on my running shoes was for the mile run during the dreaded Presidential Physical Fitness Test (cringe). I remember after my first track practice telling my mom I was not going back. And I didn’t.

I dabbled with running throughout the next few years – 1 mile here, 2 miles there. And I really thought runners were crazy. Why would you want to put your body through all of that wear and tear when the first person to run a marathon actually died?

I didn’t get it until last year when I ran my first races. Yes they were merely 5ks, which for the avid runner is literally a walk in the park, and one did have a nice bowl of chocolate waiting for me at the end, but I felt accomplished. I did it. I completed a race and was yearning for more! It only took 12 years of failed attempts but I got there.


The bowl of chocolate and goodies at the Hot Chocolate 5k.

This is the light that I saw as I finished my last half mile of my run today. After working so hard on something that I thought would just never be, I have fallen in love. Now I still think I’m off my rocker for signing up for a half marathon and making my mom follow suit, but everything comes in stages.

So what am I trying to say? Never say never. You don’t know what walls you can tear down with some sweat and determination. Here are some tips to get you to try something new and stick with it:

1. Start TODAY – We are the best at procrastinating. If you don’t make time today, what will make you do it tomorrow?

2. Keep at it – Rome wasn’t built in a day and it took Thomas Edison nearly 2,000 tries to make the light bulb. Research shows it can take anywhere from a couple weeks to a year to form a habit. So don’t get discouraged just yet!

3. One step at a time – Don’t try to add a bunch of healthy habits at once, because you will feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Instead try one or two at a time – switch off days cooking a meal from scratch and working out for an hour a day.

4. Plan ahead – By scheduling workouts or writing reminders in your calendar you hold yourself accountable for the habits you want to create.

5. Track, track, track – This is the only way you will be able to SEE your progress, whether it’s increasing the miles of your runs, losing weight, or eating better.

6. Have fun – Choose what you want to accomplish! Don’t listen to the new fad diet, superfood, exercise, *insert Dr. Oz’s next segment here* of the day. Listen to your body and do what you enjoy.

Everyone has a story, but it’s definitely not an excuse. Get out there and hit the ground running!